A comma splice is one of the most commonly occurring grammatical errors that entails the misuse of commas. It occurs when an author tries to separate two independent clauses in a sentence. Sometimes, comma splices are considered bad because they affect readability, as well as results in run-on sentences.
When writing long manuscripts or online articles, it can be hard to spot a comma splice. For this reason, we always advise our readers to use our online comma splice checker to catch the problem in advance and correct it before publishing their work. But before we tell you more about our tool, let’s take a look at how to fix a comma splice. For clarity, we have also used some practical examples.
How Do You Correct a Comma Splice Error?
There are many ways to correct common splices in your sentences, including:

- Separating independent clauses with a period
Incorrect: I love my friends, we enjoy dancing together.
Correction: I love my friends. We enjoy dancing together.
In the first sentence, the two independent clauses were separated by a comma. To correct the comma splice, we broke the sentence into two independent statements by replacing the comma with a period.
- Using surbodinating conjunction
Incorrect: I loved the movie, it was entertaining.
Correction: I liked the novel because it was entertaining.
Here, we correct the comma splice by using subordinating conjunction to join the sentence, making it more meaningful and easy to understand. And with our comma splice detector, you shouldn’t have a problem pinpointing this problem.
- Using a semicolon or coordinating conjunction
Incorrect: The dog barked furiously, everyone was scared.
Correction 1: The dog barked furiously, and everyone was scared.
Correction 2: The dog barked furiously; Everyone was scared.
In this case, we corrected the comma splice by using either a semicolon or coordinating conjunction, immediately after the first independent clause.
When Is a Comma Splice Acceptable?
Although comma splices are still considered grammatical errors, they can still be used in special circumstances such as:
- When independent clauses are super-short. If the independent clauses are very brief and of the same subject, you can use a comma splice. For example: We came, we saw, we conquered.
- Fiction writing. Another area where comma splices are acceptable is in fiction writing. In first-person narrations and dialogues, for instance, a character may get upset or excited, compelling them to speak in a rush. In this case, the author can insert a comma to clarify the sentence structure or even convey the character’s thoughts.
Get Rid of Comma Splices With Our Online Comma Mistake Finder
Whether you are a student, a professional writer, an editor, or just an average Joe, no one is immune to written down mistakes. Punctuation and grammar errors not only make your texts hard to follow but also negatively affect your legitimacy as a competent writer. However, our tool uses groundbreaking syntactic recognition algorithms, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and semantic analysis to sniff the slightest of punctuation flaws like comma splices, run-on sentences, fragments, and misused words.
Advantages of Our Comma Error Checker Vs Manual Checking
Many people tend to think that they can punctuate and check their work manually. The only problem with manual editing is that it is not effective, and some errors can slip through the cracks, especially when the attention span is low.
Here are some of the advantages of using our online:
- Saves time. Manually combing through your written work to locate comma splices can be time consuming and boring. However, our tool crawls through your texts and instantly locate, highlight, and give grammar mistakes suggestions.
- Saves money. If you are a professional writer, you probably know that editing services don’t come cheap. However, our splice comma and fused sentences checker allows you to save money that would have otherwise gone towards paying a professional editor. Better yet, you don’t have to wait for days or weeks to get feedback, as your work is processed within seconds.
- More presentable documents. Our software program not only helps correct grammar and spelling mistakes but also takes care of the sentence structures. With better language and logical flow, it becomes easy to establish and cement your credibility among your readers.
Who Can Use Our Comma Error Finder?
Although it’s always a good idea to adhere to grammar rules, it is even a better idea to focus your energies on the creative aspect of your work and leave the burden of correcting punctuation mistakes to smart tools.
Unlike most similar tools that overlook some grammar mistakes, our comma splice and fused sentence checker uses English grammar rules to flag and correct a wide range of grammar mistakes. This compounded with an innovative suite of technologies gives it unmatched speed and accuracy. Our sentence revisor is used by millions of people from all walks of life including, students, professional writers, bloggers, editors, teachers, and entrepreneurs.
Why Our Comma Splice and Fused Sentence Checker?

How To Fix a Comma Splice Using Our Comma Splice Fixer
If you want to check if a sentence is a comma splice using our tool, follow these easy steps.
- Copy your typed text from a word processing program.
- Paste it on the online dashboard and click on the “Check your Text” button.
- Allow the tool to crawl through your work checking for problems. The check should only take a few seconds.
- Click on the highlighted problems and apply the suggested corrections or make your changes.
- Copy and paste the corrected work back into your original word processing program.
Is it possible to check my paper for comma errors while typing online? On top of the online version, our tool also has a Chrome extension that helps automatically detect mistakes and make corrections in your emails, social media platforms, or any other platform that requires typing.
Checking Comma Splices Has Never Been This Easier
Just like run-on sentences, comma splices should be avoided, as they can significantly affect the readability of your work. Sure, reasonable usage in fiction writing is acceptable, but some of your readers may judge you harshly. Since you may not have the opportunity to explain the correctness of your sentence, it would be in everyone’s interest if you avoided them altogether.
And since a long journey begins with a single step, the first step towards avoiding comma splices is identifying them in your work. With the help of our splice checker, you can easily identify splice commas, run-on sentences, and many other commonly occurring errors in writing. It is free, easy to use, readily available, and secure.