Proper punctuation is an absolute necessity in written English. Not only does it help readers understand the message behind your written text but also gives it a logical flow and improves readability. Punctuation ranges from simple marks like the comma or a full stop, to the more complex ones like hyphens and semicolons. So important is punctuation such that a mere inclusion or omission of a comma can give a sentence a whole new meaning. For example, there is a big difference between “Let’s eat mum!” and “Let’s eat, mum”.
In this article, we are going to look at the common punctuation mistakes that people make and how to avoid them. While at it, we are also going to look at how to check punctuation in a sentence using our online punctuation corrector.
Common Punctuation Mistakes in Writing
Punctuation mistakes come in different shapes and forms. However, there are those conspicuous and commonly occurring ones. They include:

- Missing commas. As you have seen from the above example, a missing comma in a sentence creates a run-on block of text that doesn’t have any breaks. You can catch and correct this problem by reading your work aloud and inserting commas wherever there are breaks in your speech.
- Excessive use of commas. Just like missing commas, some people also make the mistake of using too many commas in a sentence. Although there isn’t a standard rule as to the number of commas to use in a sentence, your bare eyes will find too many commas at odd. To correct this problem, consider creating separate sentences by replacing a comma with a period.
- Run-on sentences. Run-on sentences are a result of linking two independent clauses in a sentence without the appropriate punctuation. To correct run-on sentences, you need to use a comma before the coordinating conjunction connecting the two independent clauses.
- Producing comma splices. A comma splice is produced as a result of merging two independent clauses in a sentence with a comma. Instead of using a comma, the best way to correct comma splices is to use a period or a semicolon (or use a comma splice detector). For example:
Incorrect: I went to the mall, I met my friends.
Correct: I went to the mall; I met my friends.
Correct: I went to the mall. I met my friends.
- Using commas in compound predicates. A compound predicate entails having two or more verbs belonging to the same subject and joined by a conjunction. Unlike compound sentences, which incorporate a subject and a verb, you don’t need a comma in compound predicates. For example:
Incorrect: Kim refused to eat salad, but loved pizza.
Correct: Kim refused to eat salad but loved pizza.
- Using apostrophes to form the plural of a noun. Apostrophes serve two main functions. That of showing possession, e.g., my sister’s kid, and to relay omissions and contractions. As such, you shouldn’t use apostrophes to create the plural of a noun.
Incorrect: My parent’s always visit me during the holidays.
Correct: My parents always visit me during the holidays.
- Using “it’s” and “its” interchangeably. Whereas “It’s” is a short form of it is, “Its” is mainly a possessive pronoun. In case you are unsure of which one to use in a sentence, replace the word “It’s” with “it is” and see whether it makes sense. If it does not make sense at all, use the one with an apostrophe.
Incorrect: The cat licked it’s paws.
Correct: The cat licked its claws.
Avoid Embarrassing Punctuation Mistakes with a Single Click
Our sentence fixing generator helps you to efficiently identify punctuation mistakes in your work, as well as give suggestions to correct them. To improve the quality of your writing, it is engineered using Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology, syntactic recognition algorithms, and semantic analysis.
Unlike most grammar checkers that only check for cosmetic errors, our tool is more refined to reveal extraordinary mistakes. Just like a human editor, it will quickly crawl through your texts, identify defective sentence structures, faulty formatting, or any other accentuated botches in your work, letting you fix them before submitting your academic work or publishing your online article.
Benefits of Using Our Punctuation Sentence Corrector
There are many reasons why you should use our tool to correct grammar and spelling anomalies in your work. Although some of the benefits may appear obvious, many others are no so apparent. Today, most educational and corporate institutions are beginning to emphasize the importance of using correct grammar and spelling at all times.
Here are some of the benefits of using our tool to check and correct grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors:

- Saves time. One of the biggest benefits of spelling and grammar checkers is their timesaving aspect. Editing is a time-intensive task that requires full concentration. Unfortunately, if you are a busy student or professional, you may not always have the time to sit down and proofread an entire manuscript in a single sitting.
- Easy to use. Web forms have infiltrated almost every online aspect. We use them every day on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin. Our grammar checkers is also a web form in one way or the other. Simply copy your work from a word processing program, paste it on the blank editor field, and click “Check grammar”.
- Automated feedback. After sending your work to our online grammar checker, you’ll get instant correction feedback. This is better compared to waiting for feedback from your professor or editor, which may take several days or weeks.
- Promotes learner autonomy. One of the unintended negative consequences of schooling is that it breeds the dependence syndrome to teachers. As such, a student has to rely on the teacher’s feedback to gauge how good or bad they are faring in their essays. By using our punctuation in compound/complex sentences fixer, students can break the reliance on teachers and start improving their work independently.
- Facilitates better communication. Effective communication is key to building trust and enhancing a brand’s credibility. By using a grammar and spelling checker, business owners can communicate effectively with their customers on emails, letters, and social networking sites.
How Can I Check My Paper for Comma Errors Using Online Punctuation Tester?
“How do I check my sentences for correct punctuation using your tool?”, you are probably wondering. Follow these easy steps to use our sentences and grammar checker:
- Copy your typed text from a word processing program.
- Paste it on the online dashboard and click on the “Check your Text” button.
- Allow the tool to crawl through your work checking for problems. The check should only take a few seconds.
- Click on the highlighted problems and apply the suggested corrections or make your changes.
- Copy and paste the corrected work back into your original word processing program.
Common Errors to Fix with Our Online Paragraph Fixer
Our tool is much more than just a colon usage checker. I will help you to identify the majority of written errors with unparalleled accuracy including, comma splices, run-on sentences, and poor sentence structures. With just a single click, you will be able to catch all the mistakes and correct them.
Use Punctuation Checker Here and Now
If you casually browse through online platforms like Quora, you will be surprised by the number of threads trying to answer questions such as, how can I punctuate my sentence?, what is the best tool to check my semicolon?, or even, how can I fix my punctuation free? If you are also constantly asking the same questions, it is time you take advantage of our online grammar and punctuation checker. This comprehensive tool will help you catch a wide range of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structural issues.